Ham Radio 2000 #2
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WINPACK Windows Packet Program by Roger Barker (G4IDE)
This document has been written by Mike Marriott (G0OPC) on behalf of
Roger Barker (G4IDE) the author and owner of WINPACK. Any errors in
this document are mine (Mike Marriott) not Roger's. If you find any
errors or have any idea's for update please send them to me. You will
find packet and Email addresses at the end of this document.
This document is NOT a replacement for the ONLINE help that is
available within WINPACK. It is simply an overview to allow you the
quick reference flexibility of a hard copy printout if you are not
used to the windows help system. WINPACK has CONTEXT SENSITIVE HELP.
This means that, at any time, you may press F1 to see a help file on
the area of WINPACK that you are using. You will be able to select
the particular help you require from the help screen once you have
pressed F1 by pointing and clicking the mouse pointer on the part of
the program you wish to know about. A larger help file may also be
accessed by using the PULL DOWN HELP from the menu bar and clicking on
HELP CONTENTS. You may then click on any of the help subjects
available or search for a help subject using the search button. I
recommend that you read the README.TXT that can be accessed under the
HELP pull down menu.
WINPACK requires Microsoft Windows V3.1 or later and will run in
Windows 95.
Winpack is a Windows based packet PMS program to allow you to get the
best possible use from your Packet TNC or network switch. It contains
many features that are found in no other packet software in the world.
WINPACK fully supports G8BPQ's network switch or TF2.7b Host Mode
WINPACK is also able to use a BAYCOM modem. This can be achieved by
running the G8BPQ network switch along with BAYDRV.VXD (C) Jon Welch
G7JJF and NODE2BAY.EXE. NODE2BAY.EXE acts as an interface between
G7JJF's BAYDRV Baycom driver for Windows and G8BPQ's BPQCODE node
software. It allows Windows packet applications which support BPQ
(such as WinPack) to be used with BAYDRV and therefore with a Baycom
modem. NODE2BAY.EXE is not in itself a Baycom driver, BAYDRV.VXD is
the driver. If you have any problems using BAYDRV in conjunction with
NODE2BAY.EXE please contact Roger Barker G4IDE, DO NOT contact G7JJF.
BAYDRV is a very clever piece of software and we would like to thank
G7JJF for giving his permission for it to be used in this application.
WINPACK can be set up to automatically download message listings from
your local BBS, collect bulletins that you select or that are selected
automatically according to your choice, down or upload your personal
mail or mail you have written.
WINPACK can automatically decode 7+ files once all the parts have been
received and can encode a file into 7+ for you to send.
WINPACK can send or receive YAPP protocol files, and uses automatic
YAPP restart protocols as supported in FBB BBS software.
WINPACK has FULL online help facilities in the normal Windows
convention. The F1 key can be pressed AT ANY time to enter the help
Should you be willing to leave your computer and packet station
switched on at all times, WINPACK will operate automatically at times
decided by you, (this could be at times of least traffic) and will
achieve the above results and much more. If your local BBS transmits
the FBB UNPROTO list beacons then WINPACK can be set to collect a
bulletin list from these beacons.
Should you not want to leave your computer running then a single
click of the mouse button can achieve the same result at any time you
WINPACK has DX cluster support and reconnection facilities.
WINPACK has script file control that allows YOU to decide what you
want to happen.
WINPACK will automatically deal with password BBS access with either
NNA or FBB type passwords, and other password types can be delt with
via external add-on programs.
WINPACK will run in MODEM mode to allow you to use a telephone modem
to access the landline port of an FBB BBS if one is available.
WINPACK is able to run and use both internal and external programs and
After installing WINPACK on your computer there are a few things you
must do to set up the program. Firstly, point and click the mouse
pointer on OPTIONS in the MENU row at the top of the screen. You may
also hold down the ALT key and press the letter O. The OPTIONS pull
down menu will appear. Point and Click COMMS SETUP or use ALT O
This will produce the WINPACK COMMS SETUP box. You will see setup
Options for Baud Rate, Data Bits, Stop Bits, Parity and Com Port on
the left hand side of the box.
When you point and Click on one of the small white spots a black dot
will appear in it. This means that you have selected that option. You
must now select these options so that they correspond with the
settings of your TNC. If they do not correspond then you will get
either gobbledegook on screen or nothing at all.
On the right hand side of the box you will see Connect String,
Disconnect String, Editor Line Length, Handshaking, DCD Shows Con and
Host Mode. For the moment it is best to leave these settings as per
default until you have the program working. One exception to this
might be the COM PORT setting. If you are aware of which Com Port you
have your TNC connected to then set the appropriate port. The Connect
and Disconnect strings are usually quite standard and should cause you
no problems as they are. However, if you find that your TNC sends out
a different Connect or Disconnect text from the ones shown you may
edit them at any time.
Point and Click the OK button to save your new selections and close
this box.
You should now be able to communicate with your TNC. If you cannot
then firstly re-check the COM PORT selected. If you are getting
gobbledegook on the screen then you have the COM PORT set correctly
but you have other parameters incorrectly set. You must try various
selections until you find the correct one. The following is a good
place to start:-
9600 Baud
8 Data Bits
1 Stop Bit
No Parity
It is recommended that you use 8 Data Bits as this will allow the use
of the 7+ auto decoding.
If you are using TF2.7b Host software, or the G8BPQ switch then you
will need to re-set the Host Mode setting accordingly.
Your Next move is to set up your personal details in PERSONAL/BBS
INFO. This can be found in the OPTIONS pull down menu. Pull Down
OPTIONS, or use ALT O and point and click Personal/BBS Info or use ALT
The Personal/BBS Info Box will appear. The edit cursor will be in the
FIRST NAME box ready. Simply type in your first name and use the TAB
key to move to the next box. Continue on like this until you have put
all the information you can in these boxes.
The BBS Information is dependent on the BBS you use. The Default
entries are for FBB BBS software, however, some other BBS software can
vary. The Message End Identifier for NNA BBS software is "<End of
message" and the PROMPT will vary considerably. The "Date/time" label
should be left blank if your local BBS is running NNA BBS software.
The best way to set up the "Date/time", "Message #" and "Title" fields
is to do a Verbose (V instead of R) read of a bulletin from your BBS.
Look at the top few lines of the message for the information.
What ever you put in these boxes it must be constant. So don't
include date or time information that may appear in the BBS prompt,
this could change each time you log onto your BBS.
The LIST entries (Bulletin and Personal) can also vary. WINPACK has
an internal bulletin counter that can be used to List bulletins from
the last number listed by you. Details of this can be found in the
online help. However, at this stage it would be better simply to put
L in the Bulletins box if your BBS is NNA or LR if your BBS is FBB and
LM in the personal box. (The L, LR and LM above may vary in some
software. You will need to check).
Point and Click OK to close this box and save your selections.
Click on VIEW README.TXT under the HELP pull down menu. This file
contains information that will be of help to you.
OK, the above should be enough to get you started. Now lets run
through the MENU Options in the pull down menu. The MENU BAR contains
the following:
File Edit Mail Action Options Scripts Yapp Help
On the program screen you will see that one of the letters of each of
the above is underlined. You can use the ALT key and the underlined
letter to bring down the pull down menu. This Underlined Letter/ALT
Key link holds true at any time within WINPACK.
In the FILE pull down menu you will see:-
If you do not see any of the above do not worry. WINPACK is
infinitely variable and external programs that are added later will
appear in this list.
Selecting EDIT WINDOW opens an edit window in the bottom half of the
screen. You can cut copy and paste using CTRL_C, CTRL_V and CTRL_X as
in notepad. So if you're writing a reply to a message you can mark a
section in the main screen, copy it to the clipboard with CTRL_C,
paste it into the edit window with CTRL_V. If you use CTRL_Q the text
will be quoted (i.e ">" put at the start of each line). Sections of
messages you receive or read can also be highlighted and quoted
automatically from other parts of the program but we will come back to
that later.
CTRL_Z can also be used to ZOOM the edit window so that it fills the
whole screen.
There is an edit sub menu which can be accessed from the edit window
by pressing F10 or pointing the mouse cursor in the edit window and
clicking the RIGHT mouse button TWICE. Selecting EDIT again from the
pull down menu when the edit window is open hides the edit window.
(See EDIT SUB MENU at the end of this section)
Selecting CAPTURE allows you to open a capture file. All received
text will be stored in the file until you close it by selecting the
option again. Capture files will normally be kept in the CAPTURE
This option allows you to select a file which will be sent to the TNC.
Please note that this option MUST only be used for text files.
This option allows you to delete files. When you have selected a
file to delete, you will be prompted for the confirmation before it
is deleted. You can delete multiple files by clicking one file name
and then holding the shift key down and clicking the other file names.
This option will allow you to print highlighted text to your default
printer. If you only wish to print certain text then you must
highlight that text by holding down the left mouse button whilst
dragging the mouse cursor over the text. You must do this before you
click on the print option.
If no text is highlighted then all text in the window will be printed.
You can also PRINT TO FILE by clicking the print to file button at the
bottom left of the Print dialog box.
There are also other options available in the print dialog box.
This option is to switch on and switch off the alarm system. The
alarm system is a small program that monitors the text on the WINPACK
screen and watches for certain strings that you have included in it's
setup. When it see's this text it will make the sound that you have
To setup the alarms start them from the pull down menu and then double
click the minimized alarm icon. This will then maximize to reveal a
small screen with OPTIONS and QUITE in a pull down menu. Clicking on
OPTIONS or using ALT O will bring up the following list:
If you where to enter G0OPC in the TEXT then every time G0OPC was seen
on screen the alarm would sound. There are a selection of sounds
available under the SOUND pull down menu.
Try it and see, it can be quite helpful especially if you run WINPACK
minimized whilst you use another application.
Clicking the QUIT will turn the alarms off.
The SELECTION LIST is the method by which you may automatically
download certain bulletins from the BBS that are of interest to you,
or set the times that you want an AUTOBBS session to be triggered.
The information for these lists are kept in SELECT.TXT and
The editor makes this selection very easy indeed.
Clicking on SELECTION LIST EDITOR will open a window that contains a
number of boxes. The heading on these boxes are [TO] [FROM] [AT]
also a box on the right hand side called AUTO TIMES.
Below each box you will see a smaller box. Place the cursor in this
smaller box and type in what you require and press the enter key. The
text you just typed in will appear in the upper box.
E.G If you click the cursor in the smaller box under [TO] and type
DEBATE followed by pressing ENTER then DEBATE will appear in the upper
box. If you now click OK the SELECTION screen will vanish. When you
next log into your local BBS with the AUTOBBS session and download a
bulletin list then ALL bulletins that are listed to DEBATE will be
downloaded automatically. By using a combination of the various
boxes you can select bulletins to meet your own particular interest
The AUTO TIMES set the times that the AUTOBBS will run. When you first
install WINPACK a sample list of times will be included in this box.
These times can be changed but the basic format should be observed.
You can also include the word "MAIL" which will instruct WINPACK to
only pick up personal mail for you at those particular times.
From V6.3 onward you can also use the AUTO TIMES list to tell WinPack
times at which you would like it to automatically prune the bulletin
list. If you put "PRUNE" after a time, e.g. "12:30 PRUNE" then at that
time the list will be pruned. It will be reduced to approximately the
number of messages set by the menu option "Bulletin List Prune Size",
the pruning action will depend on your setting of "Block Delete
Bulletins" - see BULLETIN DELETING below.
People who DO NOT use FBB unproto beacons PLEASE NOTE:
You MUST work through the BULLETINS COLUMN SETUP under the OPTIONS
pull down menu to set up the bulletin column location or the
selection list will not work. This is the most common problem
report received, and dealt with, by Roger Barker.
WINPACK has the ability to view files using external viewers. This can
be done automatically when a file is read.
An example would be:
This would cause all BMP files received to be automatically offered
for view in Paint Brush.
If you have a viewer for any particular type of file they should be
entered here.
The use of WINPSCAPE really is beyond the scope of this document as it
is a rather advanced feature. Basically it monitors all text received
looking for HTML (WEB) documents.
I would suggest that you use the online help by opening WINPSCAPE and
then pressing F1 to learn more about this feature.
The THEMES editor is similar to the SELECTION LIST EDITOR but has a
different kind of use.
When you are reading bulletins in WINPACK, you have filter buttons
available which allow you to select all the bulletins to a certain
topic, all the bulletins from a certain sender, etc.
Because of the way that people address messages, you often find that
two or more different topic addresses will be used for the same
subject and people send bulletins to ALL, or HELP about pretty much
By creating a theme you can link several selection criteria together,
so, when you select that THEME when reading bulletins in WINPACK, all
messages meeting the selection criteria for the theme are displayed.
For example, you might create a theme called "WINPACK" which contains
the following selections:
If you look at the THEME EDITOR you will notice that the entry boxes
are similar to the ones used in the SELECTION LIST EDITOR. The same
rules of entry apply.
The lower half of the editor shows you what is available from the
selection list editor. Double clicking any of these entries will move
them to the THEME EDITOR.
The THEME TITLE will also need to be entered in the box at the top of
the screen.
When you read the bulletin list in WINPACK you will find a THEME
button in the row of buttons at the bottom of the list screen.
Clicking this button will bring up a list of theme's that you have
created. Select one by highliting it and click the SELECT button or
use ALT S. The list of bulletins will then be narrowed down to the
ones that meet the theme criteria. From this point you may select the
bulletins you want to download by double clicking them. They will be
tagged with an asterisk at the left hand side and will be downloaded
next time you log into your BBS.
This option allows you to EXIT the program. Holding down the ALT key
and pressing X achieves the same result.
The EDIT WINDOW will need to be open in the lower half of the screen
to find this sub menu.
In the edit window there is an edit sub menu that can be pulled down
by pressing F10 or pointing the mouse pointer at the edit screen and
clicking the RIGHT mouse button TWICE.
The edit sub menu is as follows:
The function of the SEND option depends on how you are using the edit
If you are simply editing a file, then selecting this option causes
the text currently in the window to be sent to the TNC. The idea is
that you can easily compose messages in an editor, rather than sending
them a line at at a time straight to your local BBS. When the text is
sent the window is cleared. However, the text is also copied to the
windows clipboard, so, if you want to get it back, press CONTROL_V.
If you are composing a message as a result of selecting "WRITE A
MESSAGE" on the MAIL menu, then the message is put in the queue ready
to be sent to the BBS on your next Auto BBS Session.
Pressing Alt END has the same effect as selecting this option.
Selecting this option will show a list of your pre-defined
Pre-defined signature files can be created in any plain ASCII text
editor (I would recommend DOS EDIT) and must be named with .SIG on the
end of the file name. They MUST be in the WINPACK directory. You can
have as many as you wish and they can contain "TOKENS" to allow
variable entry such as current date and time.
They can also contain certain graphic characters which can be produced
by holding down the ALT key and entering a number on the NUMERIC key
pad. Try ALT 186 (on the numeric key pad).
Here is an example:
73 De Mike
Message Written At $HH:$NN Local Time.
If this where saved as MIKE.SIG in the WINPACK directory it would show
under the SIGNATURE part of the edit window pull down menu as MIKE.
If you then clicked on MIKE the above file would be put into the edit
window at the current cursor position and the tokens would be replaced
with the following: $HH:$NN Current system time
$DD $MMM $YYY Current system date.
There are a number of possibilities for use of "Tokens". A
list of the tokens available can be found in the online help.
If you mark a section of text in the edit window by dragging the
mouse over it and then select this option, the text will be 'QUOTED'.
That means ">" will be put at the beginning of each line. The idea is
that you can load a message from someone else into the edit buffer and
quote sections of it in your reply. How successful the quoting is
depends on the line length used by the sender. However, the program
attempts to do some intelligent reformatting on the text if the lines
are too long.
This option is only available if if you have quoted a section of
text. If it looks a mess you can select UNQUOTE to put it back as it
was, so long as the quoted text is still selected.
This option allows you to save the contents of the window to a file.
This option allows you to load an existing file into the window.
This option allows you to paste from an existing file into the window.
The file will be inserted at the cursor position.
If you select this option the window is cleared.
Selecting this option will hide the window, however, it's contents
will be preserved.
Clicking ZOOM enlarges the edit window to full size. Clicking ZOOM
again returns the window to it's original size.
Under this pull down menu you have:
If you highlite text by dragging the mouse over it with the left mouse
button pressed you can "CUT" it from the other text with this option.
The text will be moved to the Windows Clip Board.
Using the same highliting method as above you can "COPY" the text to
the clip board with this method.
This option is only available if the EDIT WINDOW has the focus (This
means that it is visible and in use) and the clip board has text in
it that you have previously CUT or COPIED from elsewhere. Using PASTE
will PASTE the text from the clip board to the edit window at the
cursor position.
PLEASE NOTE: The clip board will operate in the background and will be
invisible to you in all these operations. You need not run the
clipboard or open a clip board window.
This option works the same as PASTE but a QUOTE ">" is put at the
beginning of each line.
The idea of the option is to make it easy to quote text from a message
to which you are replying.
Under this pull down menu you have:
This option is to allow you to read personal mail.
This option allows you to write a personal message or a bulletin. It
also allows you to send 7+ messages and files.
A box will appear that asks you to input TYPE, TO, NAME, AT and TITLE.
You must use the TAB key to move from box to box.
TYPE = P for Personal mail
B for a Bulletin.
You will also see the ADDRESS BOOK. This feature allows you to keep
addresses of people you normally write to on file. After having
written the details into the boxes simply click on the ADD button and
the details will be put in the address book. If, in the future, you
wish to write to that person again you simply click on the name to
highlight it and click the TO button, or double click the name, and
the details will be entered for you. You may delete an address from
the list by highlighting it and clicking DELETE.
WinPack supports mailing lists, which allow you to send the same
message to several recipients. For more information, see the "Writing
Messages" section of the online help.
You will also see the 7PLUS button. Clicking this button will bring
up a box that allows you to SELECT A FILE to be encoded into 7+.
Using the various point and click windows to browse, select a file and
DOUBLE CLICK on the file you wish to send. A box will appear that
will ask if you wish the file to be ZIPPED (Compressed). If you click
on NO then WINPACK will start to encode the file into 7+. You will be
told how many parts the file will be and asked if you wish to proceed.
If there are a number of parts you will be asked if you want to
release all parts immediately or at a controlled rate. UK Stations
PLEASE read the DCC guidelines on 7+ which have been included with
WINPACK. They are current at the time of release.
If you have trouble ZIPping (Compressing) files it could be that your
copy of PKZIP.EXE is not being found. PKZIP.PIF (In the C:\WINPACK
directory) assumes that the directory where you have PKZIP.EXE is on
your DOS path. If it isn't then you need to put in a full path for the
This option allows you to edit a message that you have written before
you send it to the local BBS.
WINPACK also supports Brian Quinion's SPELL CHECK. This is NOT
supplied with WINPACK as it is too large. It has to be obtained as a
separate item. If you have Brian's spell checker then you must
install it as described in the Winpack README.TXT "Spell Checker
Support" section. You can then use ALT F9 to cause the spell check to
scan the text in the editor.
This option allows you to delete a message that you have written.
When you select this option the 'message list' will be displayed. It
will be positioned at the start of any new messages that have been
added since you last used this option. You can move around the list
by using the scroll bars, PAGE UP/PAGE DOWN or using the bar graph at
the top of the screen.
To mark a message for downloading, double click anywhere on the line
and an asterisk (*) will be placed at the beginning of the line. Or
you can move the text cursor to anywhere on the required line and
press <return>. A second double click or <return> will clear the
A message that has been downloaded but not read will be marked with
an 'N' one that has been read will be marked 'Y'. A message that has
been read and deleted will be marked 'K'. If you want to clear the
'K' so you can mark the message for download again simply hold down
the CONTROL key and double click that line. To read a message that
has been marked 'N' or 'Y' simply double click that line.
The buttons at the bottom of the screen have the following functions:-
UNREAD - Display the next unread message.
FROM - filter the displayed message list by sender. When you are
prompted to input the required "FROM" you can use "*" as a wildcard.
E.G if you input "G4*" then all messages from callsigns starting with
G4 will be listed.
TO - filter the message list by TOPIC. When you are prompted to
input the required "TO" you can use "*" as a wildcard as above.
AT - filter the message list using the "AT" address. When you are
prompted enter the @ address e.g GB7WNM.
TITLE - filter the message list by TITLE. Input text that you want to
occur somewhere in the title.
THEMES - This option allows you to activate SELECTION THEMES that
have previously been constructed. You will be shown an option box
that contains all the names of your themes. Highlite one and click
SELECT. For more information read the THEMES section of this manual
or look under "WHAT ARE THEMES" in the online help.
ALL BULLS - list all the messages for which text is available.
ALL LIST - clear any filters and display the list.
NEW - positions the list so that the top line on the screen is one
message before the first new message since you last looked at the
message listing.
DELETE - drag the mouse to mark a block, then press DELETE to delete
that block.
PRUNE - same as DELETE, but the list will be deleted from the top down
to and including the marked block. If you don't mark a block before
selecting PRUNE, then it will prune the list down to the last 'N'
lines, where 'N' is the number set in "Options", "Bulletin Deleting",
"Bulletins List Prune Size" - default 5,000.
If you want Delete and Prune to automatically delete any bulletins
that are marked 'Y' in the pruned part of the list, check "Options",
"Deleting Bulletins", "Block Delete Bulletins".
DONE - Finished reading bulletins.
Selecting this option causes WINPACK to start an automatic BBS
session. WINPACK will connect to your local BBS and then carry out
the following actions:-
1. Download any waiting personal mail then kill it.
2. List all messages.
3. Download any messages that you have marked for collection on
previously downloaded lists, including those that are automatically
marked according to your requirements.
4. Upload any messages that you have written.
For technical reasons, the action may vary according to what options
are being used. For example, the message list may not always be
updated on every connect. (This happens if the BBS is FBB, compressed
forwarding is in use and the message list command is something other
than "LR $NUM-" - which is probably a bit complicated to include in
detail!) Also, if people are using an FBB V7 BBS with compressed
download and compressed forward, then they really need to set
"SPLIT_SESSIONS=TRUE" in the [FBB] section of PACKET.INI because FBB
V7 won't allow compressed download and compressed forward in the same
Clicking on this option will bring up the MAIL OPTIONS box.
This box allows you to set up the FBB or TPK compatability, mail
compression and a couple of other items I will explain below.
Before setting WINPACK to make use of the FBB unproto mail beacons
from your local BBS you must contact your sysop and make sure your
call is correctly configured in his software. You must also set the
UNPROTO parameter in your TNC to your local BBS call sign. If you do
not do this then WINPACK will not be able to send out the SYNCH
requests needed to request synchonisation of the bulletin list
If you simply want to emulate TPK then point and click the TPK
compatability mode box and all will be set up for you.
WINPACK supports both FBB and NNA type compressed forwarding and
downloading. If your local BBS is FBB or NNA then you can select the
compression boxes. This will speed up your mail and data transfer
rates. If your local BBS is neither of the above packages then you
will need to check with your sysop to see if his software is
compatible. If it is then it may well work.
"Human Mode" is a special case. Some BBS's are configured so that
they wont allow a user to do anything that looks like BBS forwarding.
This is most likely to occur with some USA types of BBS software, and
with WINFBB, if the sysop has configured it in a particular way.
If you check the "Human Mode" box WINPACK will not send it's SID
banner (Something like [WinPack-6.0-$]) to the BBS, and it will not
attempt to add it's own BID to the messages when they are being
forwarded. It will behave just as if you were running a manual
connection. This should allow WINPACK to be used with even the
fussiest of BBS software and sysop.
In some situations WINPACK will prompt you "Mail Only This Session?"
when you manually start an AUTOBBS session. If you say "YES" bulletins
and bulletin lists will not be downloaded on that session. If you
check this box then WINPACK will assume that you are always answering
"NO" to this prompt and will not show it.
WINPACK will need to restart after any changes to this section.
Clicking this option will scan and repair certain problems that could
appear in the Bulletin list. If you have any corruption or problems
with the list try this option.
This is an advanced option! It is unlikely that most people will ever
need to use it. It is only in WinPack to compensate for a problem
which occurs very occasionally with FBB.
WinPack has an internal variable called LASTNUM. If you use the FBB
unproto headers, LASTNUM is used in deciding the sync request number.
If you don't use the unproto headers, but your "List Bulletins"
command in "Personal/BBS Info" is set to something like "LR $NUM-",
then the value of LASTNUM is substituted for $NUM when the command is
sent to the BBS.
On very rare occasions FBB BBSs seem to misbehave and will refuse to
send the beacon corresponding to a particular message number, so
WinPack repeatedly syncs on a number and the BBS insists on sending
the headers starting from the next number. Or FBB will not respond
correctly to an "LR nnnnn-" command. E.g. WinPack sends "LR 12345-"
which means "list all bulletins from 12345 onwards", and the BBS will
respond "There are no messages", even though there are lots of
bulletins with numbers higher than 12345 .
This menu option allows you to adjust LASTNUM and so work round these
problems. The most you should ever need to adjust it is upwards by
Under this pull down menu you have:
Selecting this option will allow you to add a signature to a message
you are writing. You will be presented with a list of available
signature files and you can pick which one you want to use. These
signatures can be constructed in a plain ASCII text editor like DOS
EDIT and must have .SIG as a file name follower. They must be in the
WINPACK directory. There is further information on constructing
signature files under the EDIT WINDOW section of this manual and in
the online help files.
Note that if you use the signature button rather than this menu
option, then the default signature is used - you won't be able to
select your signature. (However, right clicking on the signature
button gives a short cut to this menu option).
Normally the receive windows will automatically scroll as new data is
received so that the latest data is always visible. This can be a
nuisance if you are trying to scroll back to view something that has
gone off the screen because as soon as some new data arrives the
screen scrolls down again!
If you select this option then the automatic scrolling is disabled
and so you are able to scroll back and view previous data. Don't
leave pause on for too long, because while it is enabled all new data
that is received is put into a buffer, which can only hold about
30,000 characters.
Selecting the option whilst pause is on turns it off.
Pressing this button should cause a disconnect (assuming you are
connected to somebody!) It sends a Control_C and then 'd' to the TNC.
It has the same effect as pressing the disconnect button.
Unproto Buffer
This option displays a form which shows any FBB unproto beacons that
are currently being held in memory waiting for gaps in the list of
received beacons to be filled. It gives an idea of how well, or how
badly, you are receiving the beacons from your local BBS. Gaps occur
when your system fails to hear beacons. With perfect reception of the
beacons the list will always be empty. The option is only available if
you are using the FBB beacons.
Stay Connected
If you select this option *during an Auto BBS session*, when the
session ends WinPack won't disconnect you from the BBS. However,
please note that if the session uses compressed forwarding, this
option will not be available.
If you are using BPQ, this option starts the BPQ Terminal. If you are
running another host mode then it will start a special terminal for
that host mode. Otherwise this option is not available.
Host Initialise
This option is only available if you are using a special host mode.
If host mode communications with the TNC is lost for any reason, this
option allows you to try to reinitialise it.
Host Reset
This option is only available with some special host modes. It
carries out a complete reset of the host mode firmware, and then
reinitialises it.
Under this pull down menu you have:
This is where you enter all your personal information and also the
information about your local BBS. It is important that this
information is filled in before you use WINPACK for the first time.
The personal information box is self explanatory as is the log
information box.
The BBS information depends on the type of BBS software your local BBS
uses. The default information that is present when you first install
WINPACK is good for a start if your local BBS runs FBB software. All
you will need to do is change the BBS CALLSIGN and the BBS PROMPT.
Be careful not to put any variable information (Like Time or Date) in
the BBS PROMPT box. If you do it will not be recognised by WINPACK
because it will change every time you log on.
If you have problems with the AUTOBBS sessions then this is the first
place to check. Log onto your BBS by hand and take a note of the
format of all the various text's needed.
This is the first part of WINPACK that needs to be correctly setup.
See the COMMS SETUP section at the beginning of this manual.
This pull down menu has two sub menu's:
Auto Signature
If Auto Signature is enabled, every mail message you write will have
the default signature file appended to it. This means you don't have
to press the signature button, or use the Signature menu option to
sign it. BUT it also means that, if you have this option enabled and
you also add a signature manually, you will sign the message twice!
In other words, if you have Auto Sig enabled, don't use the signature
button or the Signature menu option when you are writing messages.
Default Signature
This option allows you to choose which signature file you want to use
as your default signature. This signature is used by the Auto Sig
option, and also when you press the signature button. You will be
given a list of available signatures, with the current default
signature checked.
This pull down menu has 5 sub menu's:
Auto 7plus Decode
If this option is checked then all personal mail and bulletins are
scanned as they are received to see if they contain 7+ data. If they
do then the data is extracted and put in the WINPACK\7DECODE
directory. When all the parts of a 7+ set have been received, the
program will decode the file and send you a personal message as to
whether the decode was successful or not. If it is successful then
the parts are deleted. If it is unsuccessful then a .ERR file will be
If an .ERR file is produced then to send it to the sender of the 7+
data do as follows:-
1. Select "Mail", "Write a Message" and start a message to the sender.
2. From the edit window menu select "Load" and load in the .ERR file
form the 7EXTRACT directory.
3. Send the message.
When the .COR files are received back from the 7Plus sender these will
be automatically processed and the corrected data produced from the
7Plus parts and .COR file.
Scan Capture Files
If this option is checked WinPack will scan Capture files for 7plus
parts. The scanning is done immediately after Capture is turned off.
Any 7plus found will be identified in the log as coming from a
capture file, apart from that the processing is exactly the same as
for mail.
Keep 7plus Parts
If this option is checked, then, when a set of 7+ parts have been
successfully decoded, the parts of the file are moved into the
WINPACK\7PLUSOLD directory. If the option is not checked then the
parts are simply deleted. This option is only available if either
"Auto 7plus Decode" or Scan Capture Files is checked.
Log 7plus Decode
If this option is checked, then, every time that WinPack attempts to
decode a 7plus file, an entry will be made in the log file
7PLUSLOG.TXT. By looking at the log you can see when a file was
decoded, if the decode was successful, whether it was received as a
bulletin or as personal mail, and who sent it. This option is only
available if "Auto 7plus Decode" or Scan Capture Files is checked.
7plus Part Size
This option allows you to set the maximum part size used for 7plus
messages sent by WinPack. The default is 4000 bytes. Don't forget
that many BBSs in the UK quite correctly forward "smallest first", so
if you use a very large part size, you will probably delay your own
If this option is checked then WinPack will use your sound card to
announce some events. It will tell you the callsign of the remote
station every time a connect occurs, and will also tell you when a
disconnect occurs. When new messages arrive it will announce "New
mail". The call sign and frequency of 'Spots' will be announced when
you are connected to a DX cluster, and it will tell you when somebody
is calling you with the /TALK remote command.
For this option to work you must have an MCI Sound driver installed.
If you have problems then check in Control Panel, Drivers and see if
it lists "[MCI] Sound". If it doesn't then select "Add..." and see if
an MCI Sound driver is available on your system .
If you try to enable this option and get lots of messages about
MCI.VBX not being loaded and MMSYSTEM.DLL not being found, then your
PC does not have multimedia extensions - probably because you are
running Windows 3.0.
When you connect to a station, the announcement is made up from the
file CONN.WAV (which says "connected to") and the WAV files for the
individual characters in the callsign. You can, if you wish, create
your own WAV files for particular stations. For instance, if you
create GB7WNM.WAV and put it in the WINPACK\WAV directory, then every
time you connect to GB7WNM this file will be used. This allows you to
get a more natural announcement for stations to which you frequently
If you record your own WAV files then make sure you record them as
MONO files sampled at 11Khz. If you do not the files will be played
individually which will make the speech slow and disjointed. Files
that are correctly recorded are joined together in a temporary file
to produce a more natural flowing sound to the announcement.
You can decide what you want to announce by clicking on the entries
on the "USE SPEECH" sub menus. You may also set the use of WAV files
in your SCRIPT files by using PLAYWAV. See instructions on how to do
this under HOW SCRIPTS WORK.
The password option allows you to decide which, if any, type of
password access you need to use for your BBS access. Clicking on this
option opens another pull down menu that has three entries:
Clicking on NONE will disable this feature.
To use the automatic password access option you must first get a
password matrix from your BBS sysop. Contact your BBS sysop for
advise on how to do this. The password matrix must then be put in the
WINPACK directory and either called PASS_FBB.TXT or PASS_NNA.TXT
depending on which type of BBS it is that you have a password for.
If your BBS is an NNA BBS then you must call your password matrix
PASS_NNA.TXT and put it in the WINPACK directory, then click on G1NNA
under the PASSWORD option.
You must now modify the corresponding NNAPASS.TXT or FBBPASS.TXT in
the WINPACK\SCRIPTS directory.
There are two demonstration files in WINPACK\SCRIPTS to help you.
Simply modify the corresponding file to suit your BBS connection
requirements. There are some instructions in the demonstration files
to help you.
When the above has been done you will be able to log into the BBS and
exchange passwords automatically.
Other types of passwords are supported by external add-on programs
that have been written for this purpose.
This option allows you to set up the font for each window. The
default is WINPACK 11point. It is recommended that you leave the
font as default as changing fonts can create problems in some
If, however, you decide to change the font then please read the
WINPACK online help.
Any program like WINPACK that uses message list processing has to know
where the various columns are in the listing. If it doesn't then it
will not be able to mark messages. This message option allows you to
do that. The status line will prompt you as to what you have to do.
Simply highlite this option and a sub menu will be shown. Click on
each of the sub menu's in turn and then DOUBLE CLICK the appropriate
column in the bulletin list.
You must log into your local BBS and download a bulletins list before
you can set this option up as the option requires a bulletin list on
which to recognise the column locations.
You should also note that if the bulletin list on an FBBBBS goes above
99,999 then the bulletin columns will move one space sideways. You
will need to go through this proceedure again to re-set up. BE
CAREFUL...If a sysop has let his bulletin count get this high then it
is highly likely that he is about to re-number which will mean that
you will have to re-set again.
Also note that the bulletin columns option will not be available if
you are using the FBB unproto beacons.
This menu has two sub menu options:
Block Delete Bulletins
If you PRUNE the bulletins list, or delete a block of lines from it,
then normally any lines within the deleted section for which a
bulletin has been downloaded and which have a status of "Y" will not
be deleted. To get rid of those lines you must first kill the
If you enable "BLOCK DELETE BULLETINS" these lines will be deleted and
the associated bulletins will automatically be killed.
You cannot delete bulletins with the status "N" in this way. WINPACK
will assume that, if you download them, you wanted to read them.
Bulletin List Prune Size
If you click Prune in "Read Bulletins" without first marking a block
of lines in the message list, the list will be pruned down to the
number of lines set in this option. The default is 5,000.
This menu has three sub menu options:
Auto Log
If this option is checked then WINPACK will log all connections and
disconnections in the file called TEXT\AUTOLOG.TXT. The following is
Call sign connected to
Some of this information is acquired from the Personal/BBS Info, so
please make sure that the information is entered correctly.
Be aware that the above may not be sufficient to meet the local
requirements in some parts of the world, but should be sufficient for
the UK.
Auto Dump
This option allows you to enable or disable the 'AUTO DUMP' facility.
When auto dump is enabled, then, whilst you are connected to another
station, all transmitted and received text is saved in the file
If you have auto-dump enabled, then be warned that, if you are very
active on packet AUTODUMP.TXT can get very large very quickly! Every
time you enable this option WINPACK checks to see if AUTODUMP.TXT
already exists. If it does then you are given the option of
overwriting the existing file or appending to it. So if you want to
clear the file and start again, simply disable and then re-enable the
Log Frequency/Power
This option allows you to select a different frequency and power to
be used in the auto-log. When WINPACK starts up the default is always
to use the frequency and power as specified in your PERSONAL
INFORMATION and those values are automatically added as the first item
on the "LOG FREQUENCY/POWER" sub menu.
If you want other FREQUENCY/POWER options to be available, you must
create a file in the WINPACK directory called LOGFREQ.TXT and put some
settings in it. Here is an example of the required format for the
data in this file:-
When you select an option on the menu that frequency and power will be
used in the log entries but WINPACK will always return to the default
values when the program is re-started.
This option allows you to change the colours of some things in
WINPACK. You can also change the background colours of the text
windows and the colours of the LED's if you wish.
A sub menu will be shown that is self explanatory.
Note: The TEXT colour for the text in the various windows is set in
the FONTS menu option.
This option allows you to split the receive screen into two windows.
If you select it while the screen is already split then the window
will return to a single window.
You do not need to use the split receive window, it is an advanced
option. If you are happy with a single window then simply ignore it.
All received text will go to the window you select. To select a
window simply point and click the mouse pointer in that window. The
idea is that you can feed text to a selected window then keep that
text whilst feeding further text to the other window. This could be
helpful if you wish to compare text or read a section of text before
it passes by.
Also, if you are listing messages from your local BBS manually then
you can send the list to one window but send a message to the other
Messages can be read in this manner by double clicking on the *MESSAGE
NUMBER* whilst still connected to the local BBS. A Read command for
that message will automatically be sent to the BBS and the returning
message will appear in the other window.
The receive windows can either have horizontal scroll bars - which
allow you to bring into view any text that is off the screen - or
they can have 'word wrap' enabled. This means that when text reaches
the right hand edge of the window it wraps onto the next line, rather
than disappearing off the screen.
What are Viewers?
Viewers allow you to "view" the contents of messages that contain
other than plain text. They allow you to do it automatically without
having to manually start another application.
"Viewing" means to look at the contents of a file. Normally, if you
receive a 7plus file which contains, say, a zipped JPG image, to look
at the image you must first unzip the file, then you must run another
program to actually look at the image. If you have configured a viewer
for JPG files in Winpack, then, when you read the SYSTEM message
telling you that the file has been received, you will be offered the
opportunity of viewing it - you won't need to unzip it and the viewer
application will be started by WinPack.
Viewers can be configured for any file type for which you have a
suitable program available, not just for image files. For example,
you can set up viewers for WAV files, MIDI files or HTML files.
Viewers work in two ways:-
1. They allow an incoming non-7plus SB or SP to be viewed by an
external application.
2. They allow the contents of decoded 7plus files to be viewed by an
external application.
Viewing decoded 7plus files
When WinPack successfully decodes a 7plus file, it sends you a SYSTEM
message. When you read that message, WinPack will check to see if you
have a viewer configured for the file type, if you have, then it will
ask you if you want to view the decoded file. A lot of 7plus is, of
course, zipped up. If WinPack finds a zip it will look in it and see
if there is a viewable file. One restriction is that you can only
view one file in each zip - otherwise it would become unmanageable.
However, the vast majority of 7plus zips only contain one file. The
file offered for viewing is the first one in the zip for which a
viewer is configured. This has implications for viewing HTML - see "A
Few Comments" below.
Configuring viewers:
To be able to view files, you need to tell WinPack what viewers to
use for each file type. This is done by using the VIEWERS EDITOR
under the FILE pull down menu.
If a WWW browser is used as a viewer, it can take an awful long time
to load. Netscape allows you to pass files to the program whilst it is
running by using a DDE link, so avoiding having to keep reloading it.
Internet Explorer *V3* is compatible with this feature of Netscape. If
you use a browser that is compatible, you can put "NDDE" at the end of
its line, to tell WinPack to use Netscape style DDE. Please note - my
own tests suggest that Internet Explorer V2 is not compatible. If you
want to take advantage of DDE, *don't* close your browser after you
have viewed a file, minimise it instead.
Some viewers under Windows 3.11:-
Some viewers under Windows 95:-
htm=c:\progra~1\micros~2\iexplore.exe ndde
jpg=c:\progra~1\micros~2\iexplore.exe ndde
gif=c:\progra~1\micros~2\iexplore.exe ndde
Note - the directory names have to be the short, DOS compatible names.
Normally, text keyed into the transmit window isn't sent to the TNC
until <return> is pressed at the end of the line. This is usually
the best way to operate. However, there are some circumstances when
it is necessary to send the characters to the TNC immediately a key is
pressed. For example, if you run the 'CAL' command on the Tiny-2 you
need to be able to send the single letters 'K','D' etc. On such
occasions it is best to switch the program into character mode.
In Character mode the transmit window is not used , so you loose the
split screen operation and the 8 transmit scroll back buffers. The
program normally operates with ECHO OFF and does it's own local echo
of the characters. This does not work very well in character mode and
so, when you switch to character mode , it sends ECHO ON to the TNC.
If the program is already in character mode, selecting this option
will switch it back to normal mode. ECHO OFF will be sent to the TNC.
Selecting this option alternately enables and disables the program
bell. The bell can be useful if you are connected to the DX cluster,
since the default is that the cluster will send a 'bell' with every
'spot'. When the bell is disabled the option does not have a tick
against it.
Enabling this option means that if the program is minimised (running
as an icon) and you have the bell enabled, then the program will be
restored to normal size every time a beep occurs, The option was put
in with the idea that you could leave the program running as an icon
whilst connected to the DX cluster and it would 'pop up' whenever a
spot occurred.
If this option is selected and WINPACK is minimised (run as an icon)
the icon will always stay on top of other programs and remain
visible. This is useful since the following information is displayed
on the icon label:-
1. If you are connected to the DX cluster, the call sign and
frequency from any incoming 'spots' is shown.
2. If you are carrying out a YAPP file transfer, the file name and
the number of bytes that have been sent/received is shown.
This option will not be of any use if you are running WINDOWS95.
This option allows you to enable or disable the WINPACK remote
commands. These are commands prefixed with / that are available to
users of your system. Look under the online help files (Remote Access
Commands) for more detailed information.
Enabling this option allows a small yellow hint flag to be shown if
you point at a button and pause for a second. This is helpful if you
cannot recall which button you need to click to do something.
Under this pull down menu you have:
This option allows you to play a script. See HOW SCRIPTS WORK below.
This option allows you to edit a script file.
WINPACK supports it's own form of SCRIPT language. A SCRIPT is a
series of commands that the Program recognises as telling it to do
something specific. So, if the program recognises WAITFOR XXX as
meaning that it must scan all incoming text until it finds XXX then
that is what it will do, and it will go no further until a match is
found or until a predefined time has passed, depending on how the
programmer has written the program. When it finds a match for XXX it
will then move onto the next instruction. This allows you, the user,
to write your own little programs to achieve specific tasks.
You create scripts by using a text editor. You can create them in
the EDIT WINDOW and then save them in the SCRIPTS sub directory.
There are several example scripts included with WINPACK. DXCLUST, BBS
and SETTIME are just three. If you want to try using scripts please
read the comments in these examples.
There are also three special scripts:- STARTUP, EXIT and BBSBYE. If
these script files exists in your SCRIPTS sub directory then STARTUP
will be executed whenever you start the program and EXIT will be
executed whenever you quit the program. BBSBYE will be executed, if
it exists, at the end of an AUTOBBS session on disconnection. This
can be used if you need to send a command to disconnect from a remote
node AFTER disconnecting from the BBS. Most people will not require
If there is no STARTUP,EXIT or BBSBYE script then WINPACK will simply
carry on as normal. (The SETTIME script could be used as the STARTUP
script if you wish, this would then set the TNC to the same time and
date as your computer).
The words that the program understands are called KEYWORDS. Often a
keyword is followed by text associated to it, sometimes the text is
Here is a list of some of the KEYWORDS used in WINPACK. Take a look
at the online help for a complete up to date list:-
WAITCON - wait for a connection to be established.
WAITDIS - wait for disconnection.
WAITFOR <text> - wait for ,text. to be received.
WAITLINE <text> - wait for a line of text with <text> anywhere in it.
SEND <text> - send <text> to the TNC.
SENDPASSWORD - sends a password, normally based on the previous line
of text.
OPENCAPTURE <filename> - open a capture file called <filename>.
CLOSECAPTURE - close the capture file.
RECONNECT - If a script contains this keyword then, when it has
successfully completed the following will happen:-
1. A button with the caption R will appear on the status bar.
2. If a disconnection occurs the script will be re-run. This will
carry on happening until you click the button - which makes it
3. After the first reconnection the caption will change to '1' the
next time it will go to '2'. When it reaches '9' it will go to
'A' then so on through the alphabet. The idea is to let you know
how many times you have disconnected.
The sole purpose of the reconnection facility is to enable you to
automatically reconnect to a DX cluster if the link drops out. How
successful it is depends on what causes the disconnect - if it is
caused by a DX cluster crash then this instant reconnect will
naturally fail. The default delay before attempting a reconnect is 10
seconds. You may find it better to increase this. Do this as
(a) Make sure WINPACK is NOT running.
(b) Edit PACKET.INI in the WINPACK directory using a text editor
such as windows notepad.
(c) Look for a section entitled [TERMINAL]. In that section there is
an entry which says 'RECONNECT_DELAY=10'. Change the
10(seconds) to a number of your choice.
(d) Save the file.
PLAYWAV <wav_name> - the WAV file <wav_name> is played. The file
must be in the WINPACK\WAV subdirectory.
HOTKEY <key> - this assigns a hot key to a script. Valid values for
<key> are F2 to F9. The script can then be played by simply pressing
this key.
TITLE <text> - if you put a TITLE line in a script then, when you use
the "Play A Script" menu option, the list displayed will contain the
description rather than just the file name.
FBBSYNCH sends a synch request to the local BBS if you are using the
unproto list. See FBB ENHANCED MAIL FACILITIES in the help files.
The SEND keyword will normally put a carriage return on the end of
<text>. I don't think there is a situation where you would not want to
do this, in fact, most TNC's will not send the text until they get a
carriage return. If you don't want a <return> sent then put a '~'
(Tilde) character (shift_# on a UK keyboard) on the end of the line
of text. E.G: SEND *~ will send an asterisk without a <return> after
it, which is very handy for auto_bauding AEA TNC's.
Usually any WAITFOR text will also end with a <return> because you
will normally be waiting for a prompt of some sort from the other end.
However, there may be times when the text you are waiting for doesn't
end with a <return>. Therefore you have to put in the <return> if it
part of the WAITFOR text. You do this by putting in '^M'. The '^' is
a shifted 6 an a UK keyboard.
Have a look at the sample scripts and it should be obvious what to do.
Lines starting with ";" are ignored. Lines that cannot be understood
are also ignored.
The script interpreter understands a limited number of tokens. The
purpose of tokens is to enable commonly used information to be put
into script files or into the signature file by the program.
All the tokens start with the '$' (Dollar) character. If the program
finds any of these tokens in a script or in the signature file it
substitutes them with some other text. Some tokens are used for
personal information which is read from the PERSONAL.TXT.
The tokens are:-
To change them simply edit PERSONAL.TXT by using the "PERSONAL/BBS
Info" on the OPTIONS menu.
$VERSION makes the program version available, it can be used in the
.SIG files.
$WINP_PATH makes the WINPACK path available, it can be used in
All other tokens are associated with Date and Time which are taken
from your computer clock. These tokens are:-
===== ========== =======
$YYYY The Year 1995
$YY The Year 95
$MMM The Month Dec
$MM The Month 12
$DD The Date 31
$HH The Hour 17
$NN The Minute 52
$SS The Second 45
$TZ The Time Zone UTC
The main purpose of the DATE/TIME tokens is for setting the TNC's date
and time from a script file such as can be seen in SETTIME.TXT.
Under this pull down menu you have:
YAPP is the most popular protocol for transferring BINARY files via
AX25 packet radio at this time. It was originally devised by WA7MBL.
There have been a few extensions made to the original system. WINPACK
supports the most popular of these which is FBB style 'Crash Resume'.
This allows you to resume transferring a file after the previous
attempt failed part way through.
This option allows you to send a file using YAPP protocol.
This option allows you to receive a file using YAPP protocol.
This option allows you to resume receiving a file using YAPP protocol
when the link has failed part way through a previous attempt.
This option allows you to automate reception of files using YAPP
Help Contents
Will open the help files at the contents page.
This option allows you to view the README.TXT. It is recommended
that you do this before you do anything else with WINPACK as it
contains useful information about the program.
This option allows you to read the list of changes in the different
versions of WINPACK.
Shows the details of the registered user of the package you are
This option allows you to input your registration details. You can
obtain information on how to register WINPACK from the online help.
If you use the software you should seriously consider paying the
registration fee. Considering the amount of work put into the
software by Roger Barker it is quite reasonable to pay the small fee
WINPACK is probably the most widely used packet driver program in the
world, and is, without doubt, one of the best written.
The software is not disabled in any way. You will simply get a small
'Nag' screen every now and then to remind you that you have not
registered. It's up to you and your conscience.
Gives some details about WINPACK.
Along the top of the screen just below the menu bar are a row of
buttons. Each of these buttons is a short cut way of achieving a task
that is under one of the pull down menu's. If you have SHOW BUTTON
HINTS checked in the OPTIONS menu and you place the mouse pointer on
one of the buttons, after a short delay a small yellow hint will
appear to remind you of the buttons function.
The first button will open the edit window in the lower half of the
The second button will open or close the capture file.
The third button is for sending a text file to the TNC.
The fourth button is the printer button. Clicking this button will
bring up a box for you to specify your printer requirements. The
printer will print all the text in the window that has the cursor in
it. If you wish to print just selected text then highlighted that text
by dragging the mouse cursor over it whilst holding down the left
mouse button. The printer will then print the highlighted text. There
is also an option to allow you to print to a file on either your hard
disc or a floppy disc if you wish.
The fifth button Manually starts the auto BBS function.
The sixth button allows you to read personal mail that has been
The seventh button allows you to write mail.
The eighth button takes you to the bulletin list and read screen.
The ninth button add's your selected signature file to the end of the
message you are writing. RIGHT clicking this button gives you a short
cut to the signature file selection.
The tenth button enable's or disable's the screen word wrap.
The eleventh button is the Pause (PAWS !!!) button. This pauses the
incoming text to the screen so you may read something. Don't forget
that the screen buffers can only hold a finite amount. After that it
is lost, so it's not a good idea to leave the pause on for long
The twelfth button (With the little hatchet) is the instant disconnect.
This button will instantly disconnect you from any station you are
connected too.
The thirteenth button. If you are running BPQ or any other host mode
a Thirteenth button will appear. This is the TERMINAL button and has
the same action as the TERMINAL option under the ACTION menu.
When you have the split screen function enabled there will be a
thirteenth button that has a number on it. This button allows you to
switch the incoming text to either the upper (1) or lower (2) screens.
When using the RECONNECT feature a button will appear on the lower
bar of the screen that will indicate the number of reconnections.
Once you have downloaded your first message listing from your local
BBS it is important that you set up the BULLETIN COLUMNS. This will
allow WINPACK to know where to look for information required to allow
many of the features to work.
Firstly click on Mail and then click on READ BULLETINS in that pull
down menu.
Secondly click on OPTIONS and click on BULLETIN COLUMNS..
You will be shown a second submenu that has:- FROM COLUMN
Firstly click on FROM COLUMN. The box will clear and you will be left
with your listing again. Now you must point the mouse cursor at the
FROM column in the list that indicates where the message came from and
DOUBLE CLICK. The cursor will move to the front of that column and
the bell will sound, "Thank You" will appear in the lower task bar.
This will indicate to the program where the FROM column is in the
Continue in the same manner with the TO,AT and TITLE column's.
Now click on the DONE button at the bottom of the screen.
Once this has been done there should be no reason to do it again
unless you start using another local BBS that has a different column
These options are not available if you use the FBB unproto beacons to
collect your bulletin list.
You should also note that if the bulletin list on an FBBBBS goes above
99,999 the columns will move one position sideways. This means that
you will have to set the columns up again. BE CAREFUL. If a sysop
has let his bulletin count get this high then it is highly likely that
he is about to renumber, so keep your eyes open for a change back to a
number below 99,999.
The columns in the message listing that is downloaded from your BBS
can be disturbed and look ragged and untidy if you change the FONT to
a non mono spaced font. The default font is WINPACK11 point.
WINPACK also supports the DRAG DROP of files from the files manager.
First of all, please note that there are some restrictions on when you
can drag and drop. The rough rule is that if anything else is going
on, e.g reading mail, running a script, reading bulletins, then the
drag drop is ignored.
If you drop a file onto Winpack it normally assumes that you want to
send it to the TNC (the exception to this is the EDIT window). If the
file extension is "TXT" or "BAT" then it sends it as an ASCII file. If
the extension obviously means it is a binary file ("EXE", "COM",
"ZIP") then it will send it using YAPP protocol. If the file type
cannot be determined then you will be prompted as to whether it is a
binary or ASCII file.
You will always be prompted about "DOC" files, since that extension is
often used for text files in DOS, but is also used for Microsoft Word
Be careful using DRAG and DROP. If the file is an ASCII file then it
is sent to the TNC even if it is not connected - because it could be a
setup file. You wont be allowed to start a YAPP send if you aren't
connected to another station. However, remember that, unless the
other station is running software that supports auto-detect of YAPP
transfer (such as WINPACK) you must make sure it is ready to receive
the file before you "drop" it.
If the EDIT window is open then DRAG and DROP works differently. If
the file is dropped in the EDIT window then it replaces the text
currently in the window. If it is dropped anywhere else then it is
WINPACK has a number of server built in. These are REQCFG, REQFIL,
REQDIR, BACKUP and ACK. Please refer to the HELP files to understand
the use of these servers.
Have fun with WINPACK written By Roger Barker (G4IDE)
Distributed by Mike Marriott G0OPC @ GB7WNM.#35.GBR.EU
Email mike@g0opc.demon.co.uk